10th Cadet Training Squadron


Headquarters of 10th Cadet Training Squadron "Diamondbacks"


Squadron Motto: Don't Tread On Me!


Squadron Mission: Integrity - Discipline - Teamwork

Hydration Jody: Ours is not to question why, ours is just to drink or die!

10th Cadet Training Squadron

Diamondbacks Squadron Commander: C/Capt Stephen Bloemsma

Diamondbacks First Sergeant: C/CMSgt Sierra Larson

X-Factored X-rays

Flight Commander: C/2d Lt Warren Pettee

Flight Sergeant: C/TSgt Forrest Brown

Yankee Rebels

Flight Commander: C/Capt Josiah Tillett

Flight Sergeant: C/CMSgt Jonathan Faulks

Zulu Zealots

Flight Commander: C/CMSgt Elizabeth Bullock

Flight Sergeant: C/SMSgt Sarah Logel

Support Staff

Logistics and Communications Officer: C/2d Lt Graham Neville
Public Affairs Officer: C/SMSgt Micah Larson
Safety Officer: C/1st Lt Robert Dahms



Please feel free to leave a comment!!

Liking the pics man!- C/Capt Padleckas 9th CTS Commander

Hopefully we can come up with a squadron Jodi that the SMs won't disapprove of (unlike 8th last year with "U-G-L-Y" and "Crack cadence"- talk to Maj. Kier about them! I liked them but the SMs didn't!)
-C/CMSgt Faulks (Yankee Flight Sgt)

I have come up with several jodies, and I would welcome any more suggestions. - C/CMSgt Larson


For anyone interested, here is the Camp Lejeune website http://www.lejeune.usmc.mil/.
C/TSgt Brown

One thing that I want to clear up (and squad. CC and/or first sgt correct me if you disagree). One of the things that I HATE is when the whole flight staff for the squadron gets all caught up in making themselves look good that they completely forget about the squadron. THIS year I will work on my own flight BUT will also keep the squadron's well-being in mind. Last year, as a basic, I really didn't give a crap for the squadron. I'm a real team player so if it gets on your nerves that I want to have my cadets focus on the BIG before themselves then suck it up when my cadets help your's on the O-course or actually start encouraging you when the rest of the squadron is DYING from PT. I think that flight teamwork is VERY important but we should never completely forget the squadron, which is the mother of the flight, which is the mother of the basic cadet. Just a thought, and once again, correct me if you think I'm wrong.
-C/CMSgt Faulks (Yankee Flight Sgt)

So many snakes…..why did it have to be snakes?….. lol -C/Maj Kier

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