Welcome to the 9th Cadet Training Squadron "Beasts" Homepage.
"Strength, Perserverance, Cooperation, and Beastliness"
9th CTS Mission:
"To train the future of our nation in Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence, and Respect and bestow upon them a sense of morale straightness, physical ability, and mental alertness as well as a desire to prevail."
9th Cadet Training Squadron "Beasts"
C/Capt Nicholas Padleckas- Squadron Commander
C/SMSgt Matthew Harford- First Sergeant
The 9th is made up of Flights Uniform, Victor, and Whiskey
Uniform U-2's
C/1st Lt Joe Houston- Flight Commander
C/CMSgt Andrew Dahms- Flight Sergeant
Victor Vipers
C/2d Lt Emily Bullock- Flight Commander
C/CMSgt Ryan Walker- Flight Sergeant
Whiskey Wildebeasts
C/2d Lt Joseph Seaman- Flight Commander
C/SMSgt Danielle Bullock- Flight Sergeant
Support Staff
C/CMSgt Christian Sluder- Logistics and Communications Officer
C/SMSgt Tim Johnson- Public Affairs Officer
C/1st Lt Kyle Zobel- Safety Officer
Anybody is welcome to post a comment!!! Leave a line between them and quote your name.
The Staff for the 9th is compiled of some of the most professional and experienced cadets I have ever worked with in my Civil Air Patrol Career. I look forward to serving on line staff with these fine men and women, and I know that the basics attending this encampment could not have a better group of staff to which they may look up to and learn and develope from. Lets keep up the good work and display to these basics what it means to be a Civil Air Patrol cadet, and train them to a status of unrivalled profficiency.- C/Capt Nicholas Padleckas
I am very impressed that you guys have already come up names for your flights and that the entire group of you has already a sense of pride in this [hopefully ;)]. It seems like this will be an amazing year for all.
-C/Lt Col James Flanagan
NC-DC Encampment SET
Hey every one I was thinking that for our squadron motto we could do strength, perseverance, and team work. - C/SMSgt Danielle Bullock (whiskey flight sgt)
How about Strength, Perserverance, Cooporation, and Beastliness?- C/Capt Padleckas
I'm liking the beastliness, it's the best way to sum up our squadron. It is going to be hard to come up with a guidon design with a beast on it though. Good luck with that, and I really like the fire beast at the top of the page. - 1st Lt Houston
Ok, so if there's no objection, then Strength, Perserverance, Cooperation and Beastliness is cool? Let me know :)- C/Capt Padleckas
I don't realy like the beastliness part but other wise I like like it (please don't do beastliness) - C/SMSgt Danielle Bullock (whiskey flight sgt)
Not that my opinion should matter but i figured i would put it anyway- you are the beasts arn't you? it would make sense to put the beastlyness part in there-C/CMSgt Neville
I really appreciate the motto for Whiskey flight hope you hold yourselves to it. It will sure make my job easier!!! - C/1st LT Kyle Zobel (Safety)
I think for our squadron guidon we should do the silhouette of Beast from X-Man 3 lol….you dont have to, just an idea. -C/CMSgt Dahms
Could you send me a pic?- C/Capt Padleckas
For that matter, it would be nice if anyone that has a good pic of a silhouette of a beast could send it to me. My email is moc.oohay|drofrah.ttam#moc.oohay|drofrah.ttam —C/SMSgt Harford