
The link below contains a terrain map that starts at the first in-processing stations at the base pass/id building and ends at the entrance to the barracks that we will be using. Note: we are using the Building that the "B" marker is in front of, this is Bldg 309G, the one beside it is 311.,-77.344775&daddr=34.663019,+-77.349377&geocode=FebfEQId-c9j-w%3BFWvqEAId_71j-w&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=34.710997,-77.318344&sspn=0.079728,0.181961&ie=UTF8&ll=34.703094,-77.321091&spn=0.079736,0.181961&t=h&z=13

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