
If you have any special requests for equipment please e-mail the Logistics and Communications Officer.
C/2d Lt Neville - moc.liamg|driewadnikmI#moc.liamg|driewadnikmI
C/CMSgt Sluder - moc.liamtoh|61reduls#moc.liamtoh|61reduls
or leave a comment on this page.

Motto: "you tell me where Lexington is and i'll bring it to you….how many Lexington's are there?"

I like the motto. -XO


Mission #1: to give you things! and talk on radio's!!!

Mission #2: to keep this from happening to you


Are there going to be PT belts avaliable to us at encampment or do we need to buy those ourselves?
Also, if Maj. Wiggs has those camelback covers for people to use, I request one of them.

C/CMSgt Walker
Victor Flight Sgt

I am also requesting a camelback cover if there are any available.
C/CMSgt Larson
First Sergeant, 10th CTS

Make that 3 requests for camelback covers. (my camelback bladder is 50 Oz.)

-C/CMSgt Faulks
Yankee Flight Sgt

alright so right now we are looking at four cause im also in need of one
-C/2d Lt Neville

All right you lot (staff only, they didn't have enough for the basics). You now have orange pt belts. Like IT, Love IT, Get Over IT. They were out of yellow.
-LT Cole

If you would bring $4 that would be great.
-LT Cole

I also need a camelback cover. Mine is a 2 liter
-Cadet M Larson

I need one too. (that makes 6)
-C/SMSgt Harford

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