Welcome to our Lair. The public affairs team for this year will be C/SMSgt Larson, and C/SMSgt Johnson.
Callsigns are Kamo Kitty and Coffee.
This will really be a great encampment to be at, and were sure that there will be a lot to cover in terms of Public Affairs.
Don't be this guy…
If you have any suggestions about anything we can do to improve for this Encampment, please e-mail them to C/SMSgt Johnson at moc.liamg|tortxohpafla#moc.liamg|tortxohpafla (watch the spelling) and C/MSgt Larson at moc.liamg|49yttikomak#moc.liamg|49yttikomak .
We are looking into the utilization of as much video as possible, like for Interviews and little snippets from Encampment. This will be great for the cadets to bring home and remember what they've been through, and hopefully a major improvement for future encampments to come.
The Public Affairs team is also helping the senior PAO, Maj D'Cruz, with the complete PAO plan for encampment.
^ Cadets gather around for their first ever picture as the 2009 Summer Encampment Staff