This page is to let you all know about what is going on in SET. As well ideas are of course welcome.
1. OI
The OI has been uploaded to the OI/Training page. I reccomend (espically flight staff) that you download this file and start studying it, we don't want the basic cadets to think that we don't know the stuff that we are expecting them to know. Please post comments on the OI/Training page.
2. New Inspection Standards
Due to the change in location and also be ensure that the uniform standards are up to the current manuals the SET will need to improve the old inspection standards. We will also be in racks this year, so there are standards for making the rack.
3. Honor Cadet/Flt/Squadron
We are taking suggestions on the criteria for deciding the Honor Cadet/Flt/Squadron for the encampment. If you have any ideas we would be glad to hear them.
4. New Competitions
Possibly having a volley ball and last man standing competition.
In case you were wondering, SET stands for Standardizations, Evaluations, and Training.
For the Encampment Training Sylabus I am glad you decided to use last years and the updates look great. just make sure to change the enampment patch. also you are welcome to use last years SET patch and if you want it the SET guidon from last year. it was not well publicized but we did have them. I have uploaded a picture of the SET patch below. If you want a picture of the SET guidon feel free to ask me. Thanks for all the work you have done this year
-C/1st Lt Zobel
There was a patch? Can you upload a picture?
C/Lt Col Feinstein
See Below
Semper Specto="Always Watching"
Always watching… kind of stalker-ish there.
C/Lt Col Feinstein
That IS what SET does. Always watching and grading you… maybe it is their job description to be stalker-ish
Ok with the shark patch, if the blue/green is the water, why are there wings there? Birds can't swim underwater.
C/Lt Col Feinstein
Shouldn't you be more concerned as to why the Mars rover is underwater?
Ask Zobel….
Blue green is a color choice not a representation of where they are.
The Support staff as a whole will get a guidon, but none of the sub-branches need a guidon for obvious reasons. Perhaps there should be a ceasing of useless endeavors such as making patches that will not be worn, guidons that will not be used, and mottos that will never be heard. C/Maj Kier